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Summer Fields Oxford

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The aim of the ICT Department is to empower our pupils to be active producers of technology rather than passive consumers.  We teach pupils skills to benefit them throughout their education and into employment.


The Information, communication & technology (ICT) curriculum at Summer Fields is divided into three inter-related strands:

  • Computer Science covers knowledge of computers and computation, including concepts such as data, system architecture, algorithms and programming. It sees pupils becoming able to write algorithms and programs, debug errors, while also requires knowledge of networks and how searches are performed.
  • Information Technology provides a context for the use of computers in society. It focuses on how to use computers and how to create digital artefacts such as presentations, spreadsheets, images and posters.
  • Digital Literacy teaches the skills and knowledge required to keep the pupils safe and their personal information private. They should understand the Technology & Acceptable Use Policy and tie e-safety into everything they do on the computer, making them effective, safe and discerning user of a range of computer systems.

Within lessons the boys are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming and coding.

Dominic Price our Head of ICT is a CEOP Ambassador trainer and supports the whole school to ensure that pupils in our care remain safe when online.

The curriculum covers a wide range of skills and knowledge including the ability to touch-type, mouse and keyboard skills, how to access emails and the schools online learning platform, safe internet searching, word processing, file management, online safety, spreadsheets, shortcuts, desk top publishing, image management and manipulation, coding, hands on robotics and the evolution and development of IT.

All IT facilities are equipped for printing and delivery of engaging lessons through interactive screen and digital surround sound.

There is a spacious ICT Suite able to accommodate each child in the largest form.  The Music Room in Macmillan has a similar format with Sibelius music notation software running on all devices and connection to MIDI keyboards.  The Design Resources Room has the primary role of supporting computing within the Design Technology Department.  It has computer workstations on the periphery and a large central worktop for robotics.

There are also a host of mobile solutions whose hubs are distributed throughout the school:

  • Computer workstations in the library with additional laptops and iPads available for loan.
  • The Design Technology Department has laptops and the workshop hosts both a laser cutter and 3D printer.
  • The Science Department has a stock of iPads and a classroom set of data loggers.
  • Every teaching room within the school has a networked computer workstation linked to an interactive LCD and there are additional laptops available for boys to borrow for lessons at any time.

The Learning Support Department supplies laptops to those boys who qualify to need such help in their work.

Pupils have well-developed information, communication, technology (ICT) skills which effectively support their progress in other areas of the curriculum.

Coding is taught from Reception and pupils make excellent use of the ICT skills for multi-subject research, developing transferrable skills because of it.